How to Choose A Locksmith
How long have they been in business?
How many trucks do they run?
Do they have a dispatcher?
Do they have a billing system?
Do they have a California State Contractors License?
Liability insurance? If so how much?
Do they have a California Department of Consumer Affairs Locksmith License?
Contractors State License Board Automatated
Call this number to check the status of any
California State Contractors License 1-800-321-2752
Are their employees registered with the State Board of Security and
Investigations Services?
Are they members in good standing of any trade associations? Associated
Locksmiths of America (ALOA). California Locksmiths Association (CLA),
Safe & Vault Technicians Association.(SAVTA)
Do they have a retail location?
Have you visited them?
Do they have a large inventory?
Was the service desk handled in a workman like manner?
Were your treated courteously?
Just because they have a large advertisement in the yellow pages or on
the web, doesn't qualify then as a capable locksmith. Large advertisements
in the yellow pages cost a lot! Ultimately the consumer is paying for that
expensive advertising.
Think about it, a locksmith is a person who you are confiding your security
to. He has access to your business, home, records, inventory, safe, car
etc...Yes, it is scary. Do your know your locksmith? If no, I suggest visiting
him now!